How To Get A Flat Stomach In 2 Weeks
Our stomach is the most vulnerable place for accumulation of fats. And a bulging tummy doesn't look good no matter how much you try to cover up. It takes a lot of effort to curtail belly fat because weight loss is itself a gradual process. Since you have just 2 weeks in hand, we shall chalk out a diet plan and an exercise regimen for you which will definitely bring about a difference.
Your diet will be extremely low in calories while some specific abdominal exercises in conjunction with cardio will be incorporated in your fitness schedule for 2 weeks.
Cut Back On Dairy:
Once we leave infanthood, we no longer have the enzymes to absorb the nutrients
in milk. Digesting it then becomes hard, creating mucous and acid in the gut.
This upsets the balance of bacteria in the gut, causing difficulty with
digestion and reducing absorption of nutrients. Sugar in milk may also cause
problems in those suffering from candida
albicans (thrush in the gut)
because thrush thrives in a sugary, acidic environment and milk is acidic. By
reducing dairy products, swelling should decrease in two weeks.
Drink Herbal Teas & Hot Water:
Warm water by itself soothes digestion by relaxing your muscles.
Herbal teas that will help are camomile and peppermint.
Herbal teas that will help are camomile and peppermint.
Don't Get Stressed:
When you're stressed, your body produces cortisol - a hormone
secreted by the adrenal glands. This helps you produce blood sugar and pour it
into the bloodstream, providing energy for the 'fight or flight' response. Any
excess sugar that isn't used is stored as fat. Our adrenal system is a survival
mechanism for helping us escape dangerous animals, but our bodies can't
distinguish such danger from work, financial or emotional pressure. Continued
stress means the hormone is being released but not used, resulting in fat
It's really important to do cardio exercise if you want a flat stomach. This
includes running, cycling, aerobics and swimming. Kickboxing works wonders on
helping you get a good waist.
Avoid Fruit After A Meal:
When eating fruit straight after a meal, the fruit starts to ferment, which
causes gas and bloating. Your tummy will swell and the bloating can make you
tired, making you reach for more sugary snacks.
Avoid fruit in the afternoon.
Avoid fruit in the afternoon.
Activate Your Abs:
Place your hands on your tummy and cough. As you expel air, your tummy muscles
tighten in towards the body. Hold that position as you go about your day. Keep
your shoulders relaxed and breathe properly. You should be able to walk, talk,
sit, shop and exercise like this. Over a few weeks, your tummy muscles will be
stronger and tighter.
Do The Right Ab Exercises Properly:
The best exercises for toning are crunch-based exercises done by activating all
ab muscles, using the cough method and lifting the shoulders of the floor.
Lengthen the spine as you come up, the slower the better, and have a pause and
little squeeze of the ab muscles at the top. Imagine your tummy muscles are a
sponge filled with water and, as you come to the top, you need to try to
squeeze out the water. Return to the start position slowly and repeat.
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